Tuesday, June 28


I had a very pleasant, but interesting, lunch with friends from back when I was still active duty Air Force.  I get together with a couple of them nearly weekly, and occasionally a few more tag along.  It's great to catch up with them and I really enjoy their company.   As is usually the case, the conversation turned to something pretty emotionally charged...women in combat.  After expressing my opinion--hee hee--the conversation took a slight detour to gender equality.  Well if women in combat wasn't interesting enough, gender equality took it up a notch.  :)   You know, having a God-centered world view really changes your attitude, and I think it changes it for the better.  My complete and humble opinion about gender equality is it's stupid.  I know...I know, I said the "s" word.  I apologize up front.  I'm calling it what it is though.  Women who continuously strive to be a man's equal are doing themselves SUCH a disservice. When a woman does that, she isn't elevating herself to a man's level, she's LOWERING herself to a man's level.  Now men, please don't leave just yet.  :)  I'm not at all a man basher or hater.  A man has his role to fill and a woman has hers.  It's considered the traditional view or the church view.  Whatever the view, it stands the test of time.  Women trying to become a man's equal is just crazy.  Look, before the whole feminist movement took hold and started getting women believing they were missing out on something, women had it pretty good.  They were revered, respected, admired.  They were treated as women, NOT as one of the guys.  Women required men to act a certain way around them, talk a certain way, etc.  Women were men's reason to grow up.  Now, we're just one of the guys.  Our demeanor is the same as the guys.  We have the filthy mouths and dirty minds, etc.  We no longer require the men to grow up and act more mature.  There is a statistic that says that adolescence is now into our 30s.  How far into our 30s will we go before we wake up and realize we are killing off America?  We have fewer kids, more toys, more divorce, more pre-marital sex, more living together, more adultery...we have horrible morals.  Why?  The breakdown of the family.  We aren't teaching the next generations how to live.  We aren't giving the next generation the tools to make it in relationships, marriages, or life in general.  We don't require them to grow up.  Women, your making yourself equal to a man brought you DOWN to his level, not up.  It is leading us down the wrong path and wrecking family after family.  The only way we can reverse this trend...the women have to stand up and say we don't want to be just one of the guys anymore.  We want to be women!  It's the only way it will ever happen.  If men say it, the feminists will have a field day with discrimination. 

We really do need to get back to women being the nurturing party to the family.  Women need to get back to requiring the men in their lives to respect women for women, not as one of the guys.  Women, don't let the guys talk nasty around you.  Don't let them steal your innocence.  Make them wait til marriage.  Don't allow them to tell dirty jokes, etc.  If men want to do that...go have a men's night out.  Get it out of your system and then come back home and be respectable men again.  The biggest point to all this remains:  women...you lowered yourselves to become equal to the men.  You lost out...you didn't gain anything.  Now you're just one of the guys and they don't treat you with hardly any respect whatsoever.  It's quite sad.  And, to attempt to regain some of that respect, you lower yourself further by talking like a man, having that foul mouth and dirty mind...giving up your innocence to them in order to allow you to "think" they like you and respect you.  That's not respect.  That's delusion.

I hope you all have a great, Christ-centered day!   God's blessings to you.

Sunday, June 26

Who is the Brains behind your operation?

We had an excellent teaching this today and I need to blog about it.  The verses that were referenced were Psalm 139-11-16.   Here goes.

The analogy of the Body of Christ, with Jesus as the Head of the Body and our human bodies was made.  We are born with a finite amount of brain cells.  We don't get any more.  Christ is the same then, now, and forever (Heb 13-8).  He doesn't change either.  Our body cells, however, are all new within 7 years...so every 7 years, we have a new set of cells.  The cells in our body actually get to "decide" if they want to listen to what the brain is telling them.  The cells of the Body of Christ are...you and me, and we get to decide as well whether we want to listen to what the Brain (Jesus) is telling us.  The cells of your body can and do affect the other cells within the body.  You and I, as cells within the Body of Christ, can affect the other cells within the Body, too.  We have to care, then, how well we are, as well as how the other cells are, functioning within the Body (Rom 2:17-24).  The human brain has no pain receptors...it feels no pain itself.  But, it feels the pain for all the rest of the cells in the body.  Christ feels no pain Himself...but feels all the pain we inflict when we sin (Eph 4:30, 1 Thess 16-22).  We must stay focused on our objective to live a life worthy of Christ Jesus.  We will all stand before God and the question we will have to answer is:  Was Jesus the Brains of your life...was He in charge?  How will you have to answer that?  How will I have to answer that? 

That was Part 1 of this teaching.  To say that I cannot wait for Part 2 is an understatement.  Now...I have to apply this.  Any suggestions?  :)

I hope you all have a great evening.  I'm thinking it's time for bed very soon.  I had a very nice conversation with a few teens from the church last night.  The group that we have for them on fb has the IM function, and they have decided to use it.  We were talking about relationships, and what a guy needs most from his wife and what a gal needs most from her husband.  It was fascinating to see them absorb the information and actually thank me later for chatting with them.  You know, if we can reach the teens...and get them to value marriage, we can start reversing the divorce trend and begin saving families...one teen at a time.  I'm so passionate about this.  It will be my calling, I think.  I hope.  I pray.  :)

Until next blog....